I act and love to create Photos. In Bogotá I have both advertising art as well as Acting and had in Berlin since 2003 every now and then lucky opportunity that to connect one to the other. The last time is this year as an actress and graphic artist of Tantatakuy theater companies in Berlin.
As a graphic designer I worked in the fashion industry, advertising branch and also as a freelance illustrator. I grind on lust, passion and express my own fascinazion in life and art.
I am a certified publicist (advertising specialist) with Specialization in more visual University communication "Jorge Tadeo Lozano (2000) in Bogotá.
My Graphic art is largely from advertising art, theater, pop art, Anime art, fashion and comic drawings shaped. I am happy, if you like it.
Have fun and thank you for your attention.
Zulma Angélica